Wednesday, 26 August 2009

AIDS - Abandoning Inhuman Disassociating Society

Welcome to the Abandon-All Land.

No! , Its really not that I have gone crazy or am completely alien to the meaning of HIV/AIDS.

On the contrary I am a peer educator for the same topic . Its high time that we should learn and understand the new meaning of this virus and disease .

The news of a nine year old boy being thrown out of his school after humiliating him in front of the school because he was HIV infected is rather just another news for most of you , but being an educator for this topic, it made shed a tear for the little lad.
The attendance after the news of the boy studying in the school dropped from 225 to 15 .

What can be the reason for this , is it worry ?
Is it concern for the students?
Is it a matter of concern for the school board ?
Is it an epidemic?
The answer is NO.

Its lack of knowledge and the fact that nobody wants to know about this life threatening virus
Its a matter of shame that you have HIV as if its not a medical ailment but a character certificate.
The general idea- "UNSAFE SEX!"

I really fail to understand that how did this 9 year old end with it then ?

Wake up INDIA before its too late .
In a survey this what people had to say :

A teenager from the slum said " Madam ye sab to bade logo ke chonchle hain". "This is just to do with the rich crowd".

A middle class government servant said "Ye ya toh baht ameer logo ke shaunk hain ya phirgareeb logo ki bevkoofi". "It is either the Rich who have habits of such sort or the uneducated poor ones".

A businessman who drives a BMW said- "Humaare bache padhe likhe hain, unhe bataane kizaroorat nahin hai" "Our kids are well educated, we don't need to emphasize on it for them"

If it was really this way, NOBODY would have been infected with this virus till date but the irony is that almost 7.7 million people have left with only one question in their family's heart- How?
Trust me, if this mindset shall remain like this, we are probably inviting a very high death rate for our country .
Nobody is born with sex education from a mother's womb but this generation should be keen to know what kind of death ride pleasure brings along .
And not just this .

First thing's first ,
HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

HIV can be transferred not just because of unsafe sex/ multiple partners but there are a lot of other possibilities .
  • -Infected syringes.
  • -Transfer of blood that is infected.
  • -From an infected mother's womb to her child (Medical science has got a way to cure this if proper medication is taken by the conceiving mother on time".

Some proved facts about HIV/AIDS:
The following things are certainly NOT ways of transfer of this virus.-:

  • -By touching.
  • -By sharing food (It is not preferred as if the infected person has a cut in his/her mouth, a blood transfusion may occur. Though chances are negligible as the infected blood when comes in contact with the atmosphere, the virus dies.)
  • -By kissing.(Again it is not preferred for the same reason)
  • -By sitting together .
  • -Even the saliva of the infected person carries no virus.

Semen and blood are the ONLY carriers of the HIV virus .
Do notice the word "ONLY"!!

Now, what threat did this little boy have to his classmates in this scenario.
The answer is NONE, but the answer can only be know if there is an urge to know it or else the presumptions and the misconception start making their point even more than the facts or rather Proved facts.

Today, test yourself, go to a medical store and try asking for a condom,
  • 50% of you would ignore after reading this as its too liberal .
  • 10% would laugh.
  • 10% would think about it.
  • 10% would try but fail!
  • 10% would be too ashamed after doing it.
  • 5% would go, ask and laugh over this so called "dare game".
  • ONLY 5% would be confident yet taken a back by the reactions of other customers.

But mind you my friends, its rather better to face the world today with confidence and be different from this society or it would be too late and the same society would be talking behind your back, building your character certificates and abandoning you like the little boy who doesn't even know what he's going through just did .
And then another tear would scroll down my cheek reading the "little" article on page 14 about how yet another child or adult was abandoned from the society as he could not match with the norms .

Remember, your story would be summed up in 4 lines because Sharukh Khan's routine security check-up (detention for the SUPERSTAR) is the hot news and the first page cover for the next week now.
Thinking that you are safe, is like destroying your safguard on your own .

Prevention is the only cure.


Anonymous said...

Prevention is the only cure. True

Nikhil said...

Absolutely Intriguing Definitive Stuff