My take on "Why is being single ANY DAY better" ..
(A tablespoon of fact and a pinch of experience)
1. Not answerable to anybody in this freaking world.
2. When you cry,the reasons is because you scooped your happiness out and not cos "oh shit! he/she didn't call me since 15 mins.. OMG.
3. When it rains,it means "Its raining..JUST" and nothing else for God sake.!
4. When you go out for a bash your eyes are around to find good looking guys/gals and not on your phone's screen. that see ! He/she did not reply .. They do not care.*Sob Sob*
5. Calling your best friend does NOT mean thats it because you faught with Mr/Ms perfect.Your friend can live without knowing that and more happily.
6. Your own panges arent enough that you cry cos he/she are having some family problems.
Dude! Their life..Their business Stop irritating!!
7. Questions like "Where are you"? With whom are you ? Why ? When? Kab kese kahaan blah! Don't give a freaking sh** to you.
8. When you click pics (Girls) for that Mr. Perfect!! aarghhh Women! You are self obsessed. Do it for your God Dame self ! [Remember the applications like "flirtable","Interested?" with hot guys.. Lol]
9. When you can sleep without that tear in your eye.{Is it getting emotional ? Duh !}
10. When Valentines day is yet another day AND nothing else ! Puhlease!!
11. As if remembering and buying gifts for those trillions"Happy Birthdays" was not enough that the new era made a new thing called "Relationship Anniversary".
Ya Y NOT ! We arent Married..Nor do we plan to. Get a Life .. aaaaaaarghhhhhhh
12. Loving yourself is the first priority *Wow*
13. Yes,now you can stop thinking about how Correct I am.. I know Darling ! ;)
14. You can sleep whenevr you want rather than pleading them on the hone .. That oh I am going now .. pleaseeee.
D--uh. What ??? A "please" to sleep .. Ya you can plead your parents for letting you sleep even if you know that tom is your board exam and you're flunking anyway :P
15. When not all "Kyun..Why..Kaiko" have an answer !
16. When slow songs just remain Slow Songs and are not titled as "Sad" Songs.
A day will come when such lovebirds would call Snoop dog a gazzal singer. :O
17. Yes ! I can buy myself gifts on Valentines Day for God sake . So the next you meet me at Archies don't raise your eyebrow and say "Oh! I didn't know that you were dating someone".
I love myself ! You've got issues dude ?
18. Singing love songs DOES NOT mean that I am in love .. [Shruti ! You understand now ??]
19. Remember that bestie of yours ? With whom you could share anything and just everything without thinking what they would think about it and you used to call them an idiot and respect was one thing they never got.. Yes that one !
They're your bf/gf now !!.
Now you know why you lost that bestie . Congrats !
20. You have better things to do than keep on eye on their phone calls,Phone book,Friend Circle Accounts and what not.
21. The calls begin with "I love you" they end with "I love you"..
yea ! Y not ,your dad wont love you darling when he sees that LONG bill of yours and when you go like OMG dad nahin! ye galat hai..
22.When they say 10 mins .. They NEVER mean it .
When they say BRB .. They NEVER come back .
When they say g2g..ohh yes they do mean it . lol
*Will Keep adding as I keep feeling luckier each day*
Being Single=Being Happy
LiVe It..!LoVe It..!LeArN FrOm It..!
How r u ????? Nice pic
I hope you are kidding and wont follow these notions...God bless
I so know that everybody relates to it.
And no m not kidding ;)
well compiled karishma
true true n totally true.....but we cant do nethin as the heart doesnt listen to any of these....:(
Haha.. True to the core!
Ha ha... True to the core! :)
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