Saturday 14 July 2012

No sanjivani found for the real Hanuman. RIP Dara Singh Randhawa :)

I was in the hangover of my birthday (10th july) oblivion to my dad's calls saying that he (Dara Singh) was still not recovering and was on ventilator probably because since the day I opened my eyes, I only saw the he-man in him. But it did happen, my dad called howling from Mumbai saying that he lost his only father figure, we lost Dara Singh.
I sat and kept thinking about all the stories dad used to tell me about him. Recalled what dad always said about him - " its very difficult to excel in whatever you step into and he did. Wrestling, acting and politics."
He was a saint and nothing else. In this huge world, there was absolutely NOBODY who would get up and stop me when I would say he didn't deserve what he got.
For all those wondering why he was put off the ventilator is because it was his wish that after living an independent life, he didnt want to survive like on machines.
Whenever my dad used to tell him that he would go and see him in Mumbai he would just say "oh kaanu kharcha karna inna, tu mainu 2 waar phone kar leya kar. Gal to haal chaal puchan di aa na" : why spend so much money on te tickets, its a matter of knowing about my health. Just call me twice a day for that.

The only reason I writing this post is to shout out my family's cry, because I want to do my dad's swollen eyes justice,to give Vindu veerji's smiling face justice.
So welcome to the "real" Dara Singh's secrets. 

I was born on 10th July 1992 when uncle was in Denmark and he flew all the way from there JUST to see me and took a flight back the same day.

                                          12 of July 1992. Exactly 20 years before his demise 
                        This was the time he was shooting for Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan as Hanuman.

                                   L-R: My mom, uncle and my brother, Aunty (Surjeet Kaur)

Even though he could afford ANY 7 star hotel, he used to live in our 2 bedroom flat whenever he used to visit Delhi. During power cuts the "Rustum-e-hind" used to tell us " Oh mainnu ta kothe te manji daa do, hawa badi soni aa". Translation: "Just put a bed on the terrace, i like the wind".

Used to get up at 4am and do his yoga and sneak in my room very quietly and say "uth ja putt, main chale jana phir" - Get up child, I am leaving after this" .

Papa tells me that once uncle had a conference in Hotel Taj and they had sent 2 mercedes to pick him up from the airport but he insisted in coming my dad's car ( Indica ) and trust me when I say this I have rejected that car to pick or drop me so many times. It was THAT bad.

I was probably 5 or 6 and I was skating on the terrace while papa and uncle were having tea and some pistachios. I would skate to uncle, he would peel some for me and I would eat them all up and skate to another corner. He would again peel a bunch of them and I would just steal them away from his hands. Even after papa told uncle to have some, he would just say " bachi da jee karda ya, ohnu khaan de : She feels like eating them, let her. "

All of us, irrespective of our social status have been to Nirula's and know what Hot Chocolate fudge is. Well, he didn't! I must be 14 when we all went for a dinner and I asked uncle what Ice cream he wanted and he just smiled(notice how this never fades) and said "bachaji oho hi apni tooti frooti" . I gave him the look and said "Tooti frooti?? Hot chacolate fudge khaalo" and he looked at me as if I told him the aliens have arrived. and that day at the age of 78, I made "Sardar Dara Singh ji" have his first HCF.
Uncle I hope you are looking at me from up there and giving the same child like innocent smile. :)

Nobody would have ever guessed that his dressing style was a suggestion by my dad. His nehru jackets and shoes were handpicked by my dad. And he would just tell papa "aa kamm saukha ya, khulla dulla"

I stand very proud here for being able to achieve what all I have in my life yet. Most of it being my education but nobody knows who led this journey of mine. Who held my hand to my first day of Kinder garden and Nursery. It was him!
For my admissions, he used to fly from Mumbai to Delhi like it was nothing leaving all his work behind.

One of my friend said "That I can proudly tell my kids that I was from the Dara Singh era" and it just made me realize how taken for granted we took this man.
But in the end, he's just gone! I will never see his blooming smile, his strong voice and would hug his strong shoulders. He was the grandfather I never had.
I have never met either of my grandfather's but I am sure if they were alive they would have been just like him.

In the end, all I want to say is that there would never be another Dara Singh. This is an end of a legend and the end of an era and I walk with my head held high and I shall not mourn because I belong to THE Dara Singh's family and I have experienced what others strive for - his presence and his blessings.
Rest in peace uncle because you belong no where else but heaven!
And now that I cant type more cos there tears just don't stop, if your'e listening uncle - Jaddo ho jawwe na, ta chup chap wapas murh aayo :(


                                 Rustum-e-hind Sardar Dara Singh Randhawa 
                                                          1928 - 2012

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Every smile has a reason, every tear has an excuse.


I am back and Yes, I am alive. :D

Sitting in my room alone at this "be happy for the reason time" of diwali makes me look back in life.

There's contentment, there are smiles. Not because OMG I am God's fav child, neither cos I have a walk in closet (which I don't) or have the chanel's or the LV's (Oh wait, I have one) its cos life has been a lesson, a very profound and ugly lesson in its own way .

You know the best thing a father, who's almost 60 tells his daughter? Umm, no! Not that he got her a mustang. wait! Umm, ya not that. But that whenever he's in a dilemma, he puts his daughter in that position and does what he thinks his daughter would have done . (that would be ME ) :D

Its nothing great and probably utter nonsense to few of you but it means everything to that girl who has a come a long way from the "I will do whatever I want brat".

I am not trying to make a point of any sort, its a light read (well for those who atleast do) but all I am saying that don't take things for granted .

We might have thousand reasons to cry and that is probably why everytime you shed a tear everyone baffles but that never happens when you smile. Well, not smile like a maniac. Then, people might find something fishy. Ask me!

Everytime I feel there is something un tamable about me or with me, I just tell myself that right at that moment there might be crores of people who are happy and smiling and chirpy and blahh but then there are people who don't even know how its feels to be content .

So cry over what?

My dad sometimes says "Gal saari aake pahe te mukk jaandi aa " which in punjabi means "No matter what, it all ends on money" .

Well, probably. Or why not? for sure ?

But if thats the truth, so is the fact that life may stop at money but it surely starts with something else.

For college?

TRUST ME . I am in DCE and I have see such depression psyched people around who wouldn't have been content even if they were sitting in the white house cos they will be busy working out with some angles at which the building can be hit so that it hits the ground with the least force/momentum/torque/KUCH BHI.

For love?

Nobody can cry "because" of love. Crying for love is still considerable . For any further heartbreak news, refer to the earlier post!

I have these pictures from different phases of my life in my room . Looking at them I realize how people, places, relationships have changed in my life. People who meant everything to me and left me for nothing and vice versa but there is one thing that is constant . I haven't stopped finding new people, I haven't stopped smiling, I haven't I JUST HAVE NOT stopped living . So where is the regret? ERROR :)

Next time you feel like crying, cry yourself out till your eyes are red but after that, put on your best clothes, do your hair, put on your best make-up (kohl and lip balm in my case though) and go out, smile, laugh. Fool life like it has ALWAYS been fooling you.

Oh and, don't worry about the red eyes. Some guys actually find it hot ;)

And quotes from Marilyn Monroe that I truly believe in :
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

"I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

Next time you cry, tune into this. It helps :)

Friday 3 June 2011

Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost.

Okie So I am back . and surprisingly not here to talk about politics, country, state, duties, rights cos someone told me that SOMETIMES I really need to slow down.
So Here I am talking about plain simple life .

Well, the past year and a half has been quite a turmoil because of my personal life, why? Umm, I really don’t care ;)

You always hear the phrase that “Bad times teach you a lot in life” but I always thought it was a humbug till last year.

The following lines are NOT in order to hurt feelings and sentiments of people involved but if you still do, I kinda don’t give alligator’s arse :p

I always followed newton’s third law of motion in life, “When life hits, hit it back”

But I never thought that life wouold hit me in the face SO bad that getting back up would be so hard.

But the, then Life happened and so did maturity and sense.

So when life gives you a punch quite close to that of Myke Tyson’s , here’s what you gotta do .

- Break it to yourself that you have been knocked down, take some inspiration from Mountain dew kyunki darr sabko lagta hai . NEVER, I repeat NEVER tell yourself that everything will be fine cos lets face it, there’s a problem and its NOT asexual that it will do itself. You gotta solve it and the only way to do it is to KNOW that there’s one.

- Understand the reason for it, don’t worry if its because of your best friend OR the one you loved from every nook of your heart, Because, no matter how miserable you feel, people have gone through worse AND survived.

- CRY. Yes, I really do mean it. There is NO point in stopping that bundle of emotions within you, Crying does not make you weak, it just proves that you’ve been strong for a very long time. When people tell you, please don’t cry- Punch them , well not literally :p

- Don’t be ashamed of being gullible. Sometimes, you may feel that you are losing that lone part of yourself being self respect. But it does not! Yes it hurts when you’re ignored. I went through it like 50 times a day and I am NOT ashamed of it. You know why? Because, today I stand here with my head heal high as I know that it wasn’t worth it and I wouldn’t have known it if I did not try.

- If revenge is on your mind, it somewhere down the line means that you know you were wrong. If you are right you do NOT need a revenge.

Just ALWAYS remember , “KARMA IS A BITCH” .

So sit back, enjoy the show! Even if it comes late, it will definitely come to you.Shit, that reminds me I have to wait for a month to watch ready L

-Never forget the ones who were there when you called them at 3 in the morning, saw you in the ultimate devdas mode, saw you in messed up kaajal;running nose;messy hair and awful smell, heard you say “tu ye mat samaj ki mujhe charh gayi hai” after you were three khambaa’s down.

- Ya that’s all but you know what you can opt for ignoring ALL that I wrote before but just be with me on this, no matter WHAT you do, go ahead become a nimpho, drink, smoke, puke, scream, cry, date someone else as a bound back, hook up with some stranger at the bar. Like do WHATEVER you feel like


Do not regret it later.

Because the only reason that I am still smiling, okie yes, smiling way too much today after an year and a half is that because I don’t regret what happened an year and half year back.

Someone, something, somebody that made you smile and sing anytime in your life need not be regretted cos it happened for a reason.

And if you STILL don’t get it, which is not possible. But if you’re REALLY a rebel, the here’s what you gotta do .

Look at him, look at yourself and do the calculations J

Monday 21 March 2011

Things you should know about aspiring engineers.

Yes, my blog posts are generally about society, changes, politics , etc But I thought I should give these thoughts a hold and write about my community.
No, I am not talking about sikh community but my utter idle engineering community .
So next time you meet someone who is either in the making or is already an engineer, PLEASE keep this in mind.

1. Whenever you enter an engg college gate, NEVER I repeat, NEVER expect pancaked faces and shaved beards.
We get up at 9.10 for classes scheduled at 9 and sometimes, we skip the toothbrush and paste part too. :p
2. Try not opening our cupboards or else you shall "smell" and see the co
3. Have you heard of the word called "jugaad" . Yes? Oh well, I am sure an engineer invented it . From fixing phones to broken hearts. We do it ALL.
4. The previous point does NOT mean we can be called whenever ANY appliance of the house breaks down. we are engineers, NOT mechanics!
5. I understand how everyone thinks that they study ONLY the night before the exam . Stay with us and you will know what it means LITERALLY!
6. Just because we chose this stream does not mean we are bookworms and con't know about the world. If we want to , we can sell you out in the market without your knowledge but we're just lil' kindhearts you see.
7. We do NOT study the whole day, well some of us don't . So next time you call me, please do not ask " I am sorry to disturb you, are you studying".
8. If you did your as a day scholar and not a hostler, I am sorry but you missed ALL the fun! Muhahaha.
9. We don't care if the fest is on or not, we detest make-up and good clothes . :p
10. Ever seen movies where geeks find science and logic behind everything happening on this planet? Ignore them! We can and will give the weirdest reasons for a
lmost anything!
11. No matter how much we've written in class (that is, if ever we have attnded them), we need a pil of photo copied notes to gain confidence.
12. Backs and supplies are our way of celebrating.
13. Birthdays become the worst day of our lives!
14. Rs. 4.0 is a LOT of balance!
15. We are the main consumers of coffee and chai in the world.
16. No matter how cliche you may think engineering is, this feeling is T
HE best feeling in the entire universe! AND a non-engineer can NEVER feel the same.
17. We think copying teacher's signature is better than completing their work.
18. We do have the courage to write our names on the answer sheet, read the question paper, abuse in hindi so that everyone hears it and submit the empty sheet!
Oh! AND be proud of it.
19. No matter how bad a song is, if an engineer has composed it. It WILL become our anthem!
20. Love us or hate us, you just can NOT ignore us. :D

Monday 27 December 2010

Its about THEM . Lets play our part!

So, how many sweaters are you wearing?
Did you have warm milk before you snuggled in your blanket with your socks on?
Is the heater's temperature comfortable for you?
Did you like what your mum cooked for you or did you order out today ?

Well, these questions may seem very normal and usual to all of us. But there are lakhs of people out there for whom these questions are mere fantasy and a part of million prayers.
I am talking about the one's we rather ignore when looked at the traffic signals and markets.
The ones who were either born like this or circumstances made
them live a life we generally call a "nightmare" .
Ofcourse we can't bring them all to our home and feed them but what we can SURELY do is support the NGO's, agencies and people who are trying to do so .

Aham Bhumika is one such organization based in Bhopal, India which works for orphans, destitute and widows from the rural areas and provides them with food,shelter and literacy with the help of donors.

A grain school has been organised by them to teach women read, write and do basic
arithmetic and then widen the tuition circle and provide the teachers with grains and ration.
According to me, there's absolutely no better way to feed and teach women at the same time.
The maximum we can do is help them revive this cause by donating old clothes that we are not even using, blankets which are not-so-soft for us, books that we don't need rather than taking up the space in our store rooms because these things might be trash for us but it means the world to them. Donations can be done in cash as well .

Pay them a visit as few smiles and glitter in eyes is all they need.
So, if you are still thinking how you can help them,
here's the easiest way of using your talent to help them,
If you are a photographer then its better to utilize your skills in a good way rather than posting them in an album on facebook, myspace, etc. That is what I do but have decided to guide them in a good direction. If you too think the same then you can,

Participate in the photo exhibition to raise funds.
All you need to do is send pictures related to :

  • Subjects with Rural India in positive light: Examples Child nutrition, women education and empowerment, rural employment, health and sanitation. Food grains, green revolution, culture, festivals and traditions etc.
  • Dark side of rural India: Examples Malnutrition and Illiteracy, child labor, droughts and floods, lack of infrastructure, child mortality, religious malpractices, discrimination etc
  • Beauty: Example Landscapes, farms and rivers. Heritage and monuments, costumes, handicrafts, decoration and celebrations etc.

I really think this organization is an answer to most of my questions raised in the previous articles.
So now the only question that remains is not "How do we do it?" but to
"Do we want to do it?" .
And if the answer is yes then do follow their blog -
Follow them on twitter -!/Ahambhumika

Because they might not be one of the Shahrukhs and Sachins but they truly are the heroes of today. And lets face it, getting updates from them is just a click away .
If you are not a social networking frantic, contact them on or call Subrat on +91 98264 72718 .

And always remember , only YOU can make a difference!

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Dil waalo ki Dilli. Really?

I remember sitting with my roomies and explaining them how hyped the whole "Delhi is not safe" scenario is .
But I think my pride for my very own dilli was momentary. EVERY day is a new day for the new criminal records. Be it rapes, robberies, assaults, you name it, we have it .

Somehow, I come across this line a lot of times when discussing about the 'halaat' of Delhi - "Its all about which area you stay in" . I am sorry but my hostel is in bhawana - a lil' village on the outskirts of Delhi and I remember how they helped me when I locked my car keys in the car and yes, "they" were the no so cool people who according to us are the roots of crime because of the AREA where they live.
I don't remember watching so many people cluster around a guy who was hit by a car in the oh-so porch golf links 'ilaaka'.

Sheila Dixit once said "jab tak ladkiyaa kuch karengi nahin, eve teasers ki tadaar badhti jaayegi "
Ma'am, I really hope you've read the news where the girl actually did something and then was brutally murdered after 5 boys assaulted her in public.
According to witnesses, this happened on a busy road and when the girl screamed for help, the traffic was as swift as a water turbine. the same traffic which does not even wait for the firing siren of the ambulance.
This rules out the "we have to do something to stop it" phase that our leaders are after.
So what do we do?
Don't step out of our homes? Okie. Agreed.
What about the 72 and 71 year old couple who were doing so andwere murdered by their very own servant.
So what do we do?
Don't keep servants? Okie. Agreed.
What about the husband who killed his wife,mother of two and then cut her into 70 pieces and kept her in their house .
Well, lets do one thing! Lets not live. Because we have no other option.

"Barso se hum 5 hi cheezo ke liye larh rahe hain
Roti, kapda, makaan, paani aur padhai
To kese hogi dekh ki praggati? "

Sorry but now, I think we need to fight for something else.
The right to LIVE.

Honestly, I did not write this post to alert you. I shared this because I am tired of justifying that my very own dilli aint that bad place for you to visit.
But I guess, I will lose this pride very soon!

Wednesday 4 August 2010

NOKIA v/s iPhone

I always tell my friends that you don't "need" an iPhone, you aways "want" an iPhone.

Especially in a place like India where phones and cars are a mere style statement and not a requirement.
I used Nokia for 6 years before I switched to iPhone 3gs the last month when my brother sent it as a birthday present .
I was so excited to use an iPhone that I jail broke and unlocked it on my own (yeah! a girl can do that) and then my fury started. When I used it for a week I felt that it was a boon from God.
But trust me, I miss my Nokia SO bad now that its not even funny .
I have used nokia 1100, N72, N82 and N95 in these 6 years and here are some things I have noted in the two entirely different softwares, apple and s60.

Battery life :
If you are someone who is always on a run and can charge your phone only once in a day, don't event think of buying an iPhone and especially 3gs!
I am someone who travels to Punjab almost everymonth and my N82 used to work fine throughout the trip (7 hours) + music player.
And our dear Iphone needs to be charged thrice when all you are doing is taking one call in 5 hours.

Bluetooth :
Remember liking a song in your friend's phone and immediately asking them to send it to you?
Yes? Well, then forget it if you have an iphone!
It can only pair itself with apple phones and mac pc's.
Now nokia ain't that racial :p

Camera :
Personally, I love taking pictures. You would know what I mean if you are in my Facebook list.
N82 and N95 had 5.0 megapixel cameras where N82 had xenon flash which makes your pictures look real and perfectly lightened!
3gs being such an over rated phone could not account for a normal flash , let go xenon .
The 3.0 megapixel camera takes awful pictures!

Messages :
iPhone has "few" plus points too. The way the whole message conversation is kept together is a good point as you don't have to keep switching from sent to inbox.

Application stores :
The apple store for iPhone and itunes is anyday better that OVI store as it offers you more utilities for free and is more precise.

Size :
Iphone is of course way compact than Nokia. Nokia phones are generally bulky but what would a probably do with a thin peice of metal which does not even run the whole day without constant charging ??

Ringtones :
Ohooo! how could I forget this one . Remember the fact that "I like this song, let me put it as my ringtone" after 3 seconds - Ringtone assigned!
Forget that too.
first, you will connect your iPhone to your pc THEN using a software you will convert the mp3 format into an MPEG-4 format and then sync!

Accessories :
Enough said ! iPhone's accessories are way to expensive!

Screen :
For the ones who think that iPhone's screen size beats every nokia phone.
Go to your nearest store and take a look at the N97 and 900 AND N8!

I miss my nokia. End of discussion! :p

Sunday 25 April 2010



It is that form of government in which sovereign power resides in the people as a whole, and is exercised either directly by them or by officers elected by them.But, THIS is just found in books and not, certainly not found in reality.

Whatever its virtues, democracy is NOT freedom and by any chance if it is,it does not come for free. Ironic isn’t it?

Democracy is just a way to decide who will rule and who will seize all the power and believe it my friends, we are the one who chose that who will supress our freedom out of the Lott.

They say "all good things come for free" according to me, they really need to think twice!

Freedom is not free and the cost is war when between countries, blaming when between states and of course man power amongst the citizens if not anybody else.

Now before all of you start thinking that I am going to start with the blame game, It is really not that. Because I strongly believe that even if we citizens are a part of this infrastructure , we should not forget that our government is highest in this hierarchy and no matter how much we try to bring about a change without them, we can hardly seize success.

Lets face it, that when we do , the so called youth leaders are either sent behind the bars or face even worse conditions.

Irrespective of all this, we very proudly recognize ourselves to be free, of course we are free

Free, so free in Prisons, in Detention centers..

Crammed, packed, jammed... The smell of blood, urine and feces, covering the infected wounds. Wounds of torture born on transparent skins covering rib cages..

Free, so free.

If that's the price of freedom, do we really need it?

Yes, there is formal independence, but there is no freedom. Confusing, yet true.

According to Wikipedia, Political freedom is the absence of interference with the sovereignty of an individual by the use of aggression.


Louis D. Brandeis once quoted -"We can have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth in a few hands, but we can't have both."

Now, this man was a real genius and he surely won;t be disappointed because boss, he could predict future decades back.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

AIDS - Abandoning Inhuman Disassociating Society

Welcome to the Abandon-All Land.

No! , Its really not that I have gone crazy or am completely alien to the meaning of HIV/AIDS.

On the contrary I am a peer educator for the same topic . Its high time that we should learn and understand the new meaning of this virus and disease .

The news of a nine year old boy being thrown out of his school after humiliating him in front of the school because he was HIV infected is rather just another news for most of you , but being an educator for this topic, it made shed a tear for the little lad.
The attendance after the news of the boy studying in the school dropped from 225 to 15 .

What can be the reason for this , is it worry ?
Is it concern for the students?
Is it a matter of concern for the school board ?
Is it an epidemic?
The answer is NO.

Its lack of knowledge and the fact that nobody wants to know about this life threatening virus
Its a matter of shame that you have HIV as if its not a medical ailment but a character certificate.
The general idea- "UNSAFE SEX!"

I really fail to understand that how did this 9 year old end with it then ?

Wake up INDIA before its too late .
In a survey this what people had to say :

A teenager from the slum said " Madam ye sab to bade logo ke chonchle hain". "This is just to do with the rich crowd".

A middle class government servant said "Ye ya toh baht ameer logo ke shaunk hain ya phirgareeb logo ki bevkoofi". "It is either the Rich who have habits of such sort or the uneducated poor ones".

A businessman who drives a BMW said- "Humaare bache padhe likhe hain, unhe bataane kizaroorat nahin hai" "Our kids are well educated, we don't need to emphasize on it for them"

If it was really this way, NOBODY would have been infected with this virus till date but the irony is that almost 7.7 million people have left with only one question in their family's heart- How?
Trust me, if this mindset shall remain like this, we are probably inviting a very high death rate for our country .
Nobody is born with sex education from a mother's womb but this generation should be keen to know what kind of death ride pleasure brings along .
And not just this .

First thing's first ,
HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

HIV can be transferred not just because of unsafe sex/ multiple partners but there are a lot of other possibilities .
  • -Infected syringes.
  • -Transfer of blood that is infected.
  • -From an infected mother's womb to her child (Medical science has got a way to cure this if proper medication is taken by the conceiving mother on time".

Some proved facts about HIV/AIDS:
The following things are certainly NOT ways of transfer of this virus.-:

  • -By touching.
  • -By sharing food (It is not preferred as if the infected person has a cut in his/her mouth, a blood transfusion may occur. Though chances are negligible as the infected blood when comes in contact with the atmosphere, the virus dies.)
  • -By kissing.(Again it is not preferred for the same reason)
  • -By sitting together .
  • -Even the saliva of the infected person carries no virus.

Semen and blood are the ONLY carriers of the HIV virus .
Do notice the word "ONLY"!!

Now, what threat did this little boy have to his classmates in this scenario.
The answer is NONE, but the answer can only be know if there is an urge to know it or else the presumptions and the misconception start making their point even more than the facts or rather Proved facts.

Today, test yourself, go to a medical store and try asking for a condom,
  • 50% of you would ignore after reading this as its too liberal .
  • 10% would laugh.
  • 10% would think about it.
  • 10% would try but fail!
  • 10% would be too ashamed after doing it.
  • 5% would go, ask and laugh over this so called "dare game".
  • ONLY 5% would be confident yet taken a back by the reactions of other customers.

But mind you my friends, its rather better to face the world today with confidence and be different from this society or it would be too late and the same society would be talking behind your back, building your character certificates and abandoning you like the little boy who doesn't even know what he's going through just did .
And then another tear would scroll down my cheek reading the "little" article on page 14 about how yet another child or adult was abandoned from the society as he could not match with the norms .

Remember, your story would be summed up in 4 lines because Sharukh Khan's routine security check-up (detention for the SUPERSTAR) is the hot news and the first page cover for the next week now.
Thinking that you are safe, is like destroying your safguard on your own .

Prevention is the only cure.

Sunday 3 May 2009

Just because we are girls?

They are being killed, They are being killed even before they are born and if not so they are brought across a situation which is worst than death,numerous names-molestation,rapes,innocent murders,list is just endless.
Why? Just because THEY are girls?

Dont believe me? Just open any newspaper and you will find a justification to my post.
Which newspaper?- ANY!
What date?-ANY!
But ya try and look for it properly. You see a girl's dignity is less important than which team is leading in IPL or if 'bebo' has size zero or not or probably whats the next no. of packs Mr.Shahrukh Khan is interested in.
JUST because they are girls!

We are not a subejct,we are not dolls,we are NOT for the public.
Why do we have to think before getting out of our homes,why do we have to watch out for the way we dress,why is prostitution just for girls,why do we have girl stripping pubs(mostly).Why do we have to be scared when working latenight.
Just because we live in an era where some desperate nimphos are roaming around? For all those - Go help yourselves if the urge is unstoppable!

Ever blamed a girl and JUST the girl saying " look what her parents taught her,the boy must have got carried away" when you found her with her boyfriend in their intimate time? That's us.
I am not saying that we dont have girls who too think like this but WHY?
Why is it always us?
Just because we are girls.
Just seeing Priyanka Chopra in "why should boys have all the fun?" wont change our position in society.
Trust me guys, its not just with lower class men BUT with all of you! You see hot chicks and you are in your imagination world. The ones who disagree,leave the habbit of lying to yourself atleast.
We are born and are brought up the same way as guys out there are, if we are our daddy's princesses that does not mean we are everybody's fantasy art.
We are not dumb but yes, with everything going around us if you want us to stay numb that's clearly impossible.
Yes, it is the 21st century and women has grown in society but just because she has, does not give you a right to assault the one's who havent.
Why are the most rape cases reported to be with girls living in slum, just because she cant raise her voice against the 'rich' and 'cool' boys?
Just because we are girls?

Even when case of drunk girls come up , we say "it was the girl's fault" I say - WHY ??
Even if she was , who gave the right to those stud boys to assault her.
Does that mean that that bunch couldnt control their urge ?
And if it really is so , as I said Go help yourselves!
Nobody thinks before saying " she shouldnt have been drunk"!
My question is if she wasnt supposed to then why were the guys ?
Just because we are girls?

The Mangalore incident is not hidden from anybody. They were beaten up ending up with tattered clothes or even no clothes just to restrict them to the parameters that our culture has set .. Did anybody try and tell them that they are talking about the same culture which refers to females as purity and Godesses.
I have never heard of purity being assaulted like that .
Did they forget that if the culture sees women as a mother who should'nt be sitting at a bar is the same culture which depicts a man as a father. A child, when born looks at both ,a mother and a father for their future thats where the word 'parents' came from but just blaming everything on the mother has always been the key solution .. so what do we do? We continue with the tradition .. then just grant me this wish by beautiful people. Dont boost about the 'We can change India" notion .
Like this ? I am sorry .. we are nothing but a shamefull bunch that has not done anything ever!
You guys out there. Trust me if you cant respect a girl,female,women , Life will never respect you no matter how much you try to .
But what is the whole agenda about?
Even if this all stops . one thing wont. Male domination!
Be it anything, marriage,hook-up,one night stand,relationship,commitment. The key point is Male domination!

or can it?
Can we TRY to change it, can we try and look at women like we look ourselves(guys).
Promise one thing to yourself, next time you witness any assault, try and stop it.
Next time you come accross any article of something alike, react to it! Not by turning the page but by writing. Writing to the newspaper or to this post. We can change a Girl's position in society and we already have but not for all .
Lets make India as secure for girls as it is for guys and not give any girl a chance to accuse her nation by saying
Just because I am girl?

Guys, lets Rock It!