Sunday, 25 April 2010



It is that form of government in which sovereign power resides in the people as a whole, and is exercised either directly by them or by officers elected by them.But, THIS is just found in books and not, certainly not found in reality.

Whatever its virtues, democracy is NOT freedom and by any chance if it is,it does not come for free. Ironic isn’t it?

Democracy is just a way to decide who will rule and who will seize all the power and believe it my friends, we are the one who chose that who will supress our freedom out of the Lott.

They say "all good things come for free" according to me, they really need to think twice!

Freedom is not free and the cost is war when between countries, blaming when between states and of course man power amongst the citizens if not anybody else.

Now before all of you start thinking that I am going to start with the blame game, It is really not that. Because I strongly believe that even if we citizens are a part of this infrastructure , we should not forget that our government is highest in this hierarchy and no matter how much we try to bring about a change without them, we can hardly seize success.

Lets face it, that when we do , the so called youth leaders are either sent behind the bars or face even worse conditions.

Irrespective of all this, we very proudly recognize ourselves to be free, of course we are free

Free, so free in Prisons, in Detention centers..

Crammed, packed, jammed... The smell of blood, urine and feces, covering the infected wounds. Wounds of torture born on transparent skins covering rib cages..

Free, so free.

If that's the price of freedom, do we really need it?

Yes, there is formal independence, but there is no freedom. Confusing, yet true.

According to Wikipedia, Political freedom is the absence of interference with the sovereignty of an individual by the use of aggression.


Louis D. Brandeis once quoted -"We can have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth in a few hands, but we can't have both."

Now, this man was a real genius and he surely won;t be disappointed because boss, he could predict future decades back.